In the whole population of North Lanarkshire, 0.5% of people are known to have autism. The prevalence of autism in the 0-15 age group is 1.6%. This reflects availability of diagnostic services for autism, which have improved considerably over the last two decades.
North Lanarkshire
Population size is 337,727
- Learning disabilities
- Autism
Population characteristics
Employment and education
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were born in the UK
are white and Scottish
speak only English at home
Summary information
1,751 people are known to have autism; that's 0.5% of people
213 girls and 822 boys aged 0-15 are known to have autism, that is 0.7% of all girls and 2.5% of all boys aged 0-15
86 girls and 281 boys aged 16-24 are known to have autism, that is 0.5% of all girls and 1.5% of all boys aged 16-24
1,035 children and 716 adults are known to have autism
415 females and 1,336 males are known to have autism
7% of people known to have autism rate their health as very good, compared with 50.7% of all people; 3% of people known to have autism rate their health as very bad, compared with 1.8% of all people
18% of adults known to have autism have paid employment, compared with 58% of all adults; 8% of adults known to have autism are unemployed, compared with 6.2% of all adults
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