Get involved

Getting involved in the Research Voices Project
Easy read information about the project and how to get involved is available for download below.
We were looking for 12 people with Learning Disabilities to take part in the Research Voices project at the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory at the University of Glasgow.
You will find below the details of our recruitment process for the jury.
Who could take part?
Anyone with learning disabilities (or learning disabilities and autism) could take part as long as they were:
- Living in Greater Glasgow and Clyde
- Aged 16 or over
- Interested in learning new skills
- Interested in health or health research
- Available to attend one meeting a month from June - November and can go to 4 full days of jury sessions in November 2019
- Wanting to make a difference
- Would like to work in a group
There was a limited number of spots on the Jury and wanted the group to be as representative as possible. For this reason, we hoped to involve people of different age ranges and have a mix of men and women on the jury.
Information from the 2011 Census told us that many people with learning disabilities have other health conditions such as:
- Physical disabilities
- Autism
- Hearing or sight loss
- Mental health issues
The group would be exploring the topic of health research, so we welcomed applications from people with learning disabilities who had health conditions.
What we were offering people who want to be involved?
People with learning disabilities who took part in the jury could:
- learn more about health research
- learn more about how to ask questions and listen well
- help decide on what the jury will discuss
- help write something for our website, if they want to
- use the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory as a reference for job or education
- meet new people and make some friends
- share their views and make sure people listen
How people with learning disabilities could get involved
To find out more about getting involved, people could scroll down and download our information sheet and easy read application form.
If you want to discuss the project in more depth or find out more, please contact Angela Henderson at
More information

Click here to download our easy read application form.
Click here for easy read information about GDPR and your rights to your information.
If you need some additional support to fill this out, we would be happy to have a phone, email or face to face discussion to support that.
Just get in touch with Rhiann at 0141 211 3889 or