Health and Social Care policy and legislation

Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014
In 2014 legislation to integrate health and social care was passed in Scotland. Implementation of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014 requires the establishment of integrated:
- Adult social care, including services and supports for adults with learning disabilities
- Adult primary care
- Adult community health care
- Some hospital functions
The key objective of the integration of health and social care is to improve the delivery of health and social care by ensuring that people have access to the services they need, when they need them. A set of high level national outcomes have been established to describe the quality of care and health outcomes that are available to all service users irrespective of where they live and their individual health and care needs. Integration and the national outcomes emphasise the important role of people who are in receipt of services in shaping the services they receive; and the role of clinicians and other professionals in the planning and delivery of services.
Integration of health and social care services across Scotland will be led by either newly established Integrated Joint Boards or through arrangements to integrate services between related health boards and local authorities.