Post-16 Education and employment policy

The Equality Act 2010
This policy is the main piece of legislation that addresses discrimination and inequality in the UK. It replaces previous anti-discrimination laws with a single Act, making the law easier to understand and strengthening protection in some situations.
With regards to disability discrimination in post-16 education, providers of further and higher education are under a legal obligation to make sure that students with disabilities are not treated unfavourably and to ensure that they are not placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to students who are not disabled. Education providers must also make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure that disabled students are not discriminated against. Making reasonable adjustments could include: changes to physical features or providing extra support and aids (such as specialist equipment).
With regards to employment, it sets out the different ways in which it is unlawful to treat someone. For example, making it more difficult for people with disabilities to be unfairly screened out when applying for jobs, by restricting the circumstances in which employers can ask job applicants questions about disability or health.

A Working Life for all Disabled People: The Supported Employment Framework for Scotland
In 2010, the Scottish Government and COSLA published 'A Working Life for all Disabled People’. It outlines the government's commitment to a more consistent, person-centred approach to supporting disabled people who want to work. The Framework lists the actions to be undertaken to raise awareness of the supported employment model and enable more people in Scotland to take advantage of this type of support.

The Scottish Strategy for Autism (2011)
The Scottish Strategy for Autism (2011) highlights the need for people with autism and their families to be supported by a wide range of services such as social care, education, housing, employment and other community based services.
The Keys to Life: Improving Quality of Life for People with Learning Disabilities (2013)
In 2013 the Scottish Government's strategy to support individuals with learning disabilities was launched. It re-emphasised the government's commitment to supporting people with learning disabilities who want to work to be able to find work in mainstream employment that matches their skills.

Working for Growth (2012)
This policy proposes ways in which employability support in Scotland can be further enhanced to the benefit of both individuals and employers.
The overall aim of the policy is to help more people access, sustain and progress in employment.

Post 16 Education (Scotland) Act 2013
The Scottish Government wants to improve life chances for young people, support economic growth and increase the number of jobs. They want to ensure all young people have access to learning opportunities, whatever their circumstances.
The post 16 Education Act 2013 of the Scottish Parliament makes provision about, for example, the support for, and the governance of, further and higher education institutions. The Act also makes provision for sharing information about young people’s involvement in education and training.