Children and young people's health

Associations between child behaviour problems, father-child relationships and father mental health
The study examined how father-child closeness and father psychiatric distress was associated with child prosocial, internalising and externalising behaviours for fathers of children with and without a learning disability between the ages of 5 and 14 years old. Read more about this research here.

Psychotropic prescribing to children and young people
A small number of studies have reported high rates of antipsychotic prescribing in children and young people with challenging behaviours. However, no study has been found to analyse the rates of antipsychotic prescribing for children and young people with intellectual disabilities and/or autism, compared to the rates in the general population. Read more about this research and our findings here.

Down syndrome survival and hospitalisation rates
We researched the survival and patterns of hospitalisation for children and young people with Down syndrome in Scotland over a 25 year period. Read about our research and findings here.

Hospital admission rates for children and young people with learning disabilities
Children and young people with learning disabilities have higher rates of physical health conditions compared with other children. Increased hospital admissions for conditions which are ambulatory care sensitive is indicative of poor management in primary care. Read about this cohort study here.

Physical and mental health of young people with learning disabilities
Transition to adulthood may be a period of vulnerability for the health for young people with learning disabilities. The aims of this study were to compare health during transition for young people with and without intellectual disabilities across a whole country population and to establish whether transition is associated with health in the population with intellectual disabilities. Read more about his study here.

The impact of bullying on the mental health of children and adolescents
This new research will look at why children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities are more likely to experience bullying and mental health problems than the general population. The role that bullying plays in the association between intellectual disabilities and mental health problems is investigated in this study. Read more about this new research project here.

Prevalence and incidence of mental health conditions
This new research project will investigate the prevalence and incidence of mental health conditions in children and young people, using data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) GOLD. Read more about this new research here.